Built by One

Through the strategic vision of both a collective mind and a core team, we've built the category defining businesses that stand the test of time.

A 10-year journey is not too long, but we are proud that our dedication and efforts have been recognized along the way.

Our Journey in Numbers

Managed Businesses
About us

We focus on building Remarkable, Intuitive and Dynamic Businesses.

Built by One’s sole objective is to develop a new frontier where we can deliver services and products at lower costs whilst offering higher value. We reference the saturated competitive landscape and consider fresh perspective to create breakthroughs. Our methodology emphasizes on “interrupting the pattern”, which leads to sustained and profitable controlled growth.

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Our Vision

A commitment to shared values

This practice speaks to the very human need in every one of us. To know that we matter — what we’re doing and what we’re contributing is making a difference. Adopting an exemplary management style, our words and actions must consistently demonstrate that we care, that we believe in our team, and that we’ll always, always have their back.

The leveraging of technology allows a modern company like us to systemize and automate businesses processes. Every objective is purposefully laid out, and automation connect the dots.

We think, strategize, organize. And we then execute. No matter how small, every little step is progress, and we call this the daily practice. Small progress leads us to achieve bigger goals. Our business is not to take risks – but rather to get something done.

A strategic shift can only happen if people follow willingly. We break bureaucratic or carrot-and-stick management methods. Through mutual understanding, we aspire to win them over by giving them the inspiration and confidence to take action.

Competition fuels us. They broaden our perspectives, and allows us to watch for opportunities or kinks in their armor. We out-negotiate by knowing when to “smile and say no” and when to say “let’s get this done.”

Change is inevitable. Our deliberate decision to remain a small, but cohesive team allows us to adapt to changes in a fly. We limit our growth to be able to reach a specific audience.

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